Justice for Trayvon Martin: Questions

These are excellent questions that Jonathan has asked. I agree that we may not like a lot the answers that will receive, but we must ask the questions.

The parallel investigations by Florida state officials and the Justice Department into the killing of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman have my mind whirring with questions. Queries that range from the mundane to the technical. We might not get answers to some of them. We might not like the answers we are given to some of them. But the questions must be asked.


What was Zimmerman’s relationship with the Sanford, Fla., police department?

Why was Zimmerman portrayed as a volunteer neighborhood watch captain when he was not part of a registered neighborhood watch program? Did the Sanford Police Department ever warn him about his activities in this unofficial capacity?

Given that Zimmerman placed 46 calls to that department between Jan. 1, 2011, and the Feb. 26 shooting, did the Sanford police have specific orders on how to deal with him? Did they have a file on him? Did they have him on any kind of special watch list?

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