Governor Rick Scott turns back the clock

This is so unfair. Gov. Scott says this will be a way to keep people off of drugs. Really?? Then why is it for just a certain population? Is this a fiscally responsible initiative or excessive spending and BIG GOVERNMENT? It seems as though Republicans are ok with Big Government when they are in charge.

Sayng that it is "unfair for Florida taxpayers to subsidize drug addiction," Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed legislation stating that anyone applying to receive welfare benefits must undergo drug testing.

"It's the right thing for taxpayers," Scott said. "It's the right thing for citizens of this state that need public assistance. We don't want to waste tax dollars. And also, we want to give people an incentive to not use drugs."

Starting July 1, those who fail the drug test would receive a one year ban. A second failed test would extend the ban to three years. The American Civil Liberties Union is filing suit against the state on the grounds that blanket drug tests are unconstitutional.

One would certainly expect conservatives to be the first to advocate healthy, drug-free living for all Americans. After all, Republicans are just so gosh darn drug-free themselves. Rush Limbaugh and others who condemn those with addiction issues are typically one scandal away from being exposed for their hypocritical condemnation of the poor.

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