Jamie Lynne Grumet, Breastfeeding Mom On 'TIME Magazine' Cover, Illustrates Attachment Parenting

I guess I am not 'Mom Enough'.  There is no way I would still be breast feeding my son with a mouth full of teeth. I am not real sure how I feel about this but as in life, to each his own.  What works for some may not work for all.

In the provocative new cover story of its May 21 issue, TIME Magazine taps into a two-decade-long parenting conversation that has boiled over in recent months. Journalist Kate Pickert reports on the rise of attachment parenting, a set of techniques popularized by Dr. William (Bill) Sears in "The Baby Book," his 767-page treatise published in 1992.

In the article, Pickert explores who Sears is and why controversy surrounds his theories -- specifically baby-wearing, extended breastfeeding and co-sleeping -- but it's TIME's photographs of real mothers breastfeeding their toddlers that has everyone talking. (Scroll down for reactions on Twitter.)

The cover shows Jamie Lynne Grumet, a slim blonde 26-year-old California mom, breastfeeding her 3-year-old son. TIME photographer Martin Schoeller also shot three other families on the same day.

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