What is Sarah Palin really up to? Do you care?

It appears that Sarah Palin has done it again. She has mastered the art of being disrepectful and rude. She shows up in town with her family, a big bus and tons of reporters and she hasn't called the local establishment to tell them. In my opinion,that is rude. I think her mind is made up about the 2012 election and she is stringing people along for the publicity and the money. Just my thoughts...

Day 2 of Sarah Palin’s bus tour, and the former vice presidential nominee has prompted little more than confusion over exactly what she is up to.

Palin started Memorial Day at the National Archives in Washington after unannounced visits to monuments and other landmarks in the nation’s capital on Sunday afternoon, following a brief ride at the annual Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally. From there, it was to George Washington’s home at Mount Vernon, where reporters following Palin were able only to snap pictures of the former Alaska governor from a distance.

Though Fox News captured Palin saying, as she got off the bus at one stop, that she thought a Republican could beat President Barack Obama in next year’s election, she has done little to encourage belief that the trip is a precursor to a 2012 run of her own.

“This isn’t a campaign bus,” Palin said, according to reports. “This is a bus to be able to express to America how much we appreciate our foundation and to invite more people to be interested in all that is good about America and to remind ourselves we don’t need to fundamentally transform America, we need to restore what’s good about America.”

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