Two NY Cops cleared of rape

I thought for sure they would be found guilty of something more than a misdemeanor. There seemed to be a lot of evidence of against them. I wonder if the victim will seek some sort of monetary damages now. I'm sure time will tell.

Two New York City police officers were acquitted of rape and other felony charges but convicted of official misconduct, a misdemeanor, following a two-month trial in which they were accused of taking advantage of an intoxicated woman they had helped into her apartment from a taxi.

After more than six days of deliberations, a jury found New York City Police Officers Kenneth Moreno, 43 years old, and Franklin Mata, 28, not guilty of rape, burglary and falsifying records. Mata was also acquitted of tampering with evidence.

The jury did convict the officers on three counts each of official misconduct for entering the woman’s apartment while on duty when they had no official reason to do so. Official misconduct is a Class A misdemeanor punishable by no more than a year in jail. The judge has the discretion not to impose any jail time or make them serve concurrent terms, making it a maximum of three years, when they’re sentenced on June 28.

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