Rick Santorum to announce Presidential bid on June 6, 2011

I wonder what is going to change or happen in two weeks, that he is causing hom to wait. He is not a viable candidate in my opinion. I think he played a role with the whole John Ensign situation, and it will all come out. So maybe he is waiting to see if DOJ is going to implicate him in anything. Either way, I see him out by the end of the year.

Rick Santorum will formally launch his presidential campaign on June 6 in Pennsylvania, POLITICO has learned.

The announcement will be a return-to-your-roots moment, taking place near the western Pennsylvania coal mines where his grandfather worked, according to Santorum sources.

"This location is significant because when Senator Santorum's grandfather left fascist Italy, he was attracted to America's freedom, and the opportunity our nation offered him," one person close to the Santorum campaign explained.

After the announcement, the former Pennsylvania senator will head to Iowa, and later, to New Hampshire.

Santorum has been moving toward a presidential campaign for two years, staffing up heavily in Iowa and New Hampshire and traveling to the early nominating states more than many of his potential GOP rivals. A staunch social conservative, he's hoping to make inroads with Iowa caucus-goers in a field that no longer includes Mike Huckabee, the 2008 caucus winner.

He formed a presidential exploratory committee earlier this month.

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