Republican Freshman on a Spending Spree with Taxpayers Dime, I mean Dollar!!!!!!

I thought this new style of Republicans were suppose to be more fiscally responsible. They seem to be more concerned about everyone else's spending and not their own. Can you imagine the fallout if this was a group of Democrats doing this? I don't know how they are getting away with it, but I plan to sound the alarm. This is worse than lying about a photo, because they are using taxpayers money for these luxuries.

They rode into Washington on an anti-spending wave, but some House Republican freshmen are already enjoying one of the perks of incumbency, spending their office budgets on everything from $1,000-a-month car leases to pricey online advertising contracts.

At least 15 GOP freshmen have shelled out tens of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money on mass communication — or franking — designed to boost their exposure back home, even as they call for budget cuts and pared-back government spending, according to quarterly disbursement reports released by the House.

The biggest newly elected spender in this realm is Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who authorized spending $78,518 in taxpayer money on “mass mailings and communications” — just under $900 for every day he was in office during the first three months of his congressional career. Kinzinger sent a pamphlet to his constituents explaining “some of the ways we can help” in interactions with the government. Kinzinger also advertised the “state-of-the-art multimedia section” on his website.

His office told POLITICO in a statement that it has no more plans for franked mail after it sent a mailing to 217,000 houses across the district.

“Because many constituents were unaware of the assistance a congressional office can provide, the mailer our office sent informs residents that their congressional office is here to serve as a valuable resource for them on issues ranging from Medicare and Social Security to veterans’ benefits and immigration. Constituent services are our office’s top priority,” said Brook Hougesen, Kinzinger’s spokeswoman.

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