What To Do When You Know More Than Your Boss!!!

I can honestly say it has been twice in my career that I had a boss that was not quite up to the task. I often wondered how the person was ever promoted. They both lacked people skills. They had no idea on how to develop and motivate people and yet they were the ones in charge. I agree that at times I wanted to throw my hands up in disgust and walk out. As a matter of fact, I actually think I did that one day. Looked her dead in the face, handed over my keys and commenced to walking out of the office. Although this little performance worked in my favor, I would not suggest that you try that. There are better ways to handle your frustration with your boss and these are some really good tips.

Everyone complains about his or her boss from time to time. In fact, some consider it a national workplace pastime. But there's a difference between everyday griping and stressful frustration, just as there is a clear distinction between a manager with a few flaws and one who is incompetent. Dealing with the latter can be anguishing and taxing. But with the right mindset and a few practical tools, you can not only survive but flourish.

What the Experts Say
"Most people have had experience with someone who is incompetent, or at least unhelpful," says Annie McKee, founder of the Teleos Leadership Institute and co-author of Becoming a Resonant Leader: Develop Your Emotional Intelligence, Renew Your Relationships, Sustain Your Effectiveness. Ineptitude in managers is unfortunately common. McKee says that's because too many companies promote people for the wrong reasons. People get ahead because they show results or have the right technical capabilities, but they often don't have the requisite people skills. Michael Useem, the William and Jacalyn Egan Professor of Management at the Wharton School and author of Leading Up: How to Lead Your Boss So You Both Win says that whether your boss lacks technical or managerial ability, the results are the same: bad bosses sap motivation, kill productivity, and can make you want to run from the job screaming. While leaving is an option, it's not the only one for coping with a bad boss. Consider these tactics first.

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