Extreme Makeover: KKK Hangs Up the White Sheets?

This is a very interesting angle. I am not sure if the sheets are the problem. If this 'organization' has not changed its mission, its practices or its policies, then they can keep the sheets. As a matter of fact, there are plenty of instances that shows us in history that it has nothing to do with the sheet. Let's see how long this 'new look' will last for them.

If African Americans ever needed another reason to be politically engaged, here's one: The Ku Klux Klan says it's giving up cross burnings in favor of the ballot box.

Pastor Travis Pierce, national membership director for the Ku Klux Klan, LLC, told the Huffington Post's Lucas Kavner that protests and violence are a thing of the past. While the KKK remains committed to defending the rights of white people and preaching against gays, its agenda is better served by lobbying elected officials, Pierce said.

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