Despite Paul Vote Pickup, Romney's Maine Win Holds

So Romney, inks out another win. I wonder how the Paul camp is feeling now. It seems like Romney is in the fight for his life for the nomination. It is like watching a guy/girl flirt with someone who obviously has no interest in them. Yet, they keep throwing themselves out. It is hard to watch but you keep watching just to see how low they will go to get noticed. I wonder how low will Romney go to win over the GOP?

Ron Paul has gained 83 votes on Mitt Romney following a Republican presidential caucus in eastern Maine, where voting last week had been postponed due to bad weather. Romney still holds a 156-vote lead over Paul in statewide totals.

Paul received 163 votes in Saturday's Washington County caucus, where Republicans from more than two dozen towns gathered to cast their votes. Romney received 80 votes. Rick Santorum got 57 votes and Newt Gingrich received four votes.

The Maine Republican Party last week declared Romney the winner of the state's GOP caucuses, but Washington County Republicans were angered their votes weren't counted after their caucus was postponed last Saturday because of a snowstorm.

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