Obama: Congress should vote on jobs bill in October

I hope that the President continues his full court press to get this jobs bill past. Of course it will not answer all of the questions or the critics, but it will stop the bleeding for millions. I hope the GOP will really begin to listen to the American people and pass this bill.

President Barack Obama demanded Monday that Congress vote on his jobs legislation package this month despite signs that the full measure faces stiff resistance. "I'm ready to sign it," the president said.

A leading House Republican, however, says that while lawmakers will vote on elements of the president's jobs bill, his broad $447 billion proposal will not be considered in its entirety.

"This all or nothing approach is unreasonable," said House Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia.

The White House says it is not prepared to bargain away aspects of the bill at this point, and senior administration officials seemed intent on putting Republicans on the spot by insisting on a vote on the complete Obama bill. Since introducing the bill three weeks ago, the president has mounted a steady public campaign on behalf of his bill, trying to cast Congress and Republicans in particular as obstacles.

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