"And It's Goodbye to A&M": Reflecting on the Longhorns And Aggies Calling It Quits After 135 Years of Unhappy Marriage

I understand the rivalry between the two schools. I am from Kansas City, Kansas. The 'fued' between KU and K-State is best described as sibling rivalry. I graduated from the University of Oklahoma. The 'bedlam brawl' with Oklahoma State flows deep in the veins of the Sooners and the Cowboys. For either one of these two rivalries to part, would be hard to stomach. It is a love/hate relationship.

How many Aggies does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Three. One to yell about it, one to make it a tradition, and one to complain that Texas made them do it.

Growing up in the state of Texas, before you learn to walk, read or write, you generally know one indisputable fact: Whether you're an Aggie or you're a Longhorn. (That is, unless you're born in the unenviable position of being a Red Raider or, God help you, a Baylor Bear.)

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