Mitt Romney vs Rick Perry 2012: It's Personal

I suspect Romney will try to play fair. But Perry on the other hand, I suspect will go for the knees. I am pretty sure that this will get personal. Both of these men think they are ready to be President. I think Perry is too far to the fight and Romney changes his positions too much. I hope they fight it out to the bitter end so that the last one standing will be vetted well enough to debate President Obama next fall.

It’s the worst-kept secret of the GOP presidential primary: Mitt Romney and Rick Perry have never liked each other very much.

And the past animosity could play out on the national scene in the coming weeks when Romney, the precarious front-runner, and Perry, who is rising in the polls, take the stage together for a series of fall debates.

The tension between the two goes back at least five years, tracing back to a 2006 blow-up when the two Republicans served together as governors. At the time, Romney, then the Republican Governors Association chairman, hired veteran media strategist Alex Castellanos to do work for the national group — a direct affront to Perry, since Castellanos was working for Carole Keeton Strayhorn, who was running as an independent against the Texas governor.

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