Weiner calls lewd photo on Twitter a ‘distraction’

I am having a hard time believing this story. The young lady in question has already stated denounced the twett, so I am not sure why this is still a story. There are certain news stations that have questioned why Rep. Weiner has not contacted the police to report that his twitter account has been hacked. They are creating doubt in his claim without saying it directly. I hope this is a non story very quickly.

Rep. Anthony Weiner repeatedly declined to answer questions Tuesday about a lewd photograph that showed up on his Twitter feed over the weekend, an incident the New York Democrat has said was the work of a hacker.

Weiner told reporters that he had answered enough of their questions about the matter and that the incident was “a distraction.”

“Look, I’m not going to allow this to be what I talk about all week,” the seven-term lawmaker said on his way into a closed-door meeting of House Democrats on Tuesday night. “That’s the idea of a distraction; I’m not going to let it be successful.”

Weiner, 46, has hired a lawyer to look into the matter. Several senior Democrats, including House Minority Whip Steny H. Hoyer (Md.) and Sen. Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.), have defended him, but some conservative writers want him to explain some of the details of the incident.

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