Three Things I Love About Herman Cain's Campaign

I agree with Melissia Harris-Perry that we should pay a little more attention to Herman Cain. He has an uphill battle to get the Republican nomination. Her insight as usual is right on point. I also agree with her that we should not dismiss him so quickly. He has some valid points to make.

I have watched the Herman Cain 2012 campaign video repeatedly. It is a four- minute glimpse into one of the least understood aspects of American political life: black conservatism. The initial impulse among many Democrats (and frankly most Republicans) is to dismiss Cain’s bid for the presidency as quixotic and a bit incomprehensible. I understand that impulse. I do not think Herman Cain will secure the GOP nomination for the U.S. presidency. I understand why devoting media coverage to a unlikely campaign can seem wasteful and distracting, but the Cain campaign video, and potentially the campaign itself, is a bit Americana performance art worth understanding.

Here are just a few things I love about Herman Cain….and by love I mean that I find them fascinating and worthy of study.

(1) Cain’s campaign is a reminder that black political ideas are complex and multi-layered.

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