Preschool Benefits Last into Adulthood

Where is the national reporting on this study? If the report ahs said the opposite, the Republicans would have been all over it to support their stance on cuts to social service programs. This is why the Democrats disappoint me at times. They should be out touting the results of this study. This study was indepth and very thorough. It followed the participants for 25 years. This is major news for support of Headstart programs across the country. I hope the media picks up on this story and talk about important.

Preschool has surprisingly enduring benefits lasting well into adulthood, according to one of the biggest, longest follow-up studies of its kind.

Better jobs, less drug abuse and fewer arrests are among advantages found in the study that tracked more than 1,000 low-income, mostly black Chicago kids for up to 25 years.

Michael Washington was one of them. Now a 31-year-old heating and air conditioning contractor, Washington attended a year of preschool at Chicago's intensive Child-Parent Center Education Program when he was 4.

The ongoing publicly funded program focuses on language development, scholastic skills and building self-confidence. It involves one or two years of half-day preschool, and up to four additional years of educational and family services in grade school. Preschool teachers have college degrees and are certified in early childhood education, and parents are encouraged to be involved in the classes.

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