Obama Seeks to Win Back Wall St. Cash

This is the part of politics that I do not like. The exchange of money to help finance a campaign. It is my opinion that the money comes with several strings attached. I know it has to happen, but the Republicans will use anything they can to make the President look bad. I can only hope that he is getting more than he is giving.

The guests were asked for their thoughts on how to speed the economic recovery, then the president opened the floor for over an hour on hot issues like hedge fund regulation and the deficit.

Mr. Obama, who enraged many financial industry executives a year and a half ago by labeling them “fat cats” and criticizing their bonuses, followed up the meeting with phone calls to those who could not attend.

The event, organized by the Democratic National Committee, kicked off an aggressive push by Mr. Obama to win back the allegiance of one of his most vital sources of campaign cash — in part by trying to convince Wall Street that his policies, far from undercutting the investor class, have helped bring banks and financial markets back to health.

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