'N***a' Will Never Be Funny... Especially in The Hangover Part II

This is a great read. I agree that we cannot continue to have it both ways. If the word is wrong and should not be used, then it don't use it. I think the lack of having an African American in the movie was intentional that way it makes it ok to use the word and more it mainstream. I am not buying it.

This is not a movie review, a history lesson or a call to action. It is simply a statement of truth.

I could go to painstaking lengths, detailing how deeply offensive and unfunny the repeated and gratuitous use of n**** in the movie The Hangover Part II was, but the damage in large part has already been done. This bell can't be un-rung.

Nevertheless, this much must be said. The use of n**** is not funny, appreciated or acceptable in any context, by anyone who utters it.

Hate crime legislation and the FCC are clear in regards to the word, the rest of us need to be clear too.

I could create a historical time line ranging from Birth of a Nation in 1915 to The Hangover Part II in 2011 and illustrate how n***a is nothing more than the cinematic cousin of n***er and equally offensive when employed as a tool to generate laughs. But let's just keep this simple.

The use of the N-word (n***er or n***a) is not funny, appreciated or acceptable in any context, by anyone who utters it.

Read more at source


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