Mitt Romney gives Barack Obama an 'F'

Ok, here we go again. I generally like Mitt Romney, but as of late, he has been sounding more like the far right. When did we stop being able to critique without the name calling and the pettiness? Does he really believe that this President is the worst ever? What is he attributing that to? I will be glad when these candidates will start discussing policy. When they will add some substance to their style.

As Mitt Romney prepares to officially roll out his presidential campaign later this week, he’s giving President Barack Obama an ‘F’ for the last two years.

“It’s failed,” the former Massachusetts governor said of the Obama presidency in an interview taped over the weekend at his New Hampshire home that aired Tuesday morning on NBC’s “Today.”

“He’s been one of the most ineffective presidents at the job at hand that I’ve ever seen,” Romney said. “The number one issue he faced walking in the door was an economy in fast decline. He didn’t cause it, but he made things worse.”

Romney, who is set to formally launch his campaign on Thursday, said he’s running because “I believe I can get our economy going again."

And he’s confident that he will win. “I do give myself better than 50/50 odds, but it's up to the American people. I’ll tell them what I believe and if that works, great.”

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