Keith Olbermann returns on CurrentTV

I like Keith Olbermann. I was disappointed when he left MSNBC. In my opinion, Keith is highly intelligent. He believes what he believes and makes no apologies for that. That is a trait that is often missed on television.

Keith Olbermann has returned to the air promising “a newscast of contextualization.”

Five months after his abrupt departure from MSNBC, the outspokenly liberal host premiered on the Current TV network Monday night awash in media attention to his arrival at a new home.

His new nightly show, like the old one, is called “Countdown,” and it retains the signature musical riff from Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony.

It also features the left-leaning point of view and attitude that made Olbermann the most popular host on MSNBC, attracting a nightly audience averaging more than a million viewers.

Oddly missing from the first Current show, for better or worse: the formatted reverse ranking of topics that gave “Countdown” its name.

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