Crack Cocaine 'Fair Sentencing Act' Should Be Retroactive, Holder Says

This is great information. I wonder why we have not heard a lot about this. This administration has taken a lot of heat for not doing a lot in this area. I hope those affected will take this opportunity to turn their life around.

Saying that the Fair Sentencing Act that narrowed the disparity between penalties for crack and power cocaine offenses has been "a historic step forward," Attorney Gen. Eric Holder pushed today for retroactively applying the lighter crack penalties to some offenders now serving time.

"We have more to do," Holder said in a statement prepared for a hearing held this morning by the U.S. Sentencing Commission. "Although the Fair Sentencing Act is being successfully implemented nationwide, achieving its central goals of promoting public safety and public trust — and ensuring a fair and effective criminal justice system – requires the retroactive application of its guideline amendment."

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