Chris Christie Reimburses State For Helicopter Flights

I believe he is only paying it back because he was called out. He claims he is taking care of it so he can get back to the business of New Jersey. Really, what business is that? Making sure that people are kicked off of medicare if they make more than $3000.00 a year. He is such a joke. I am sure yesterday was not the first time he has taken the helicopter for a ride across the state.

After taking a beating for more than a day, Gov. Chris Christie agreed Thursday to reimburse the state for personal use of a police helicopter to fly to two of his son's high school baseball games and a political dinner with GOP donors.

But the governor, revered among Republicans for his hard-charging, budget-cutting ways and reviled among many Democrats for the same traits, made no apologies for what he called an effort to be a good father.

Christie, often mentioned as a potential 2012 presidential candidate, said he paid $2,100 and asked the state Republican Party to pay $1,200 to cover the costs – not because he believed he was in the wrong but because the furor had become a distraction from serious matters.

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