What is in store for the suspended five Ohio State players now?

When this story broke, I wondered what would happen to the suspended players. Since the NFL draft was last month, what could they do now? A couple of those guys were NFL material, especially Pryor. I wonder where this ball will land.

With Ohio State quarterback Terrelle Pryor and four other Buckeyes serving a five-game suspension for the first part of the 2011 season, there were many who initially wondered if the anointed “Buckeye Five” would jump ship early and declare for the NFL supplemental draft last month. The rumors, at least as far as Pryor was concerned, were shot down hours later as Pryor took to Twitter, issuing the following statement:

“I’ll be suited up at Lincoln Nebraska!! And first player at QB to meet with the Wolverines for the fourth time!!

But, that was then, and Jim Tressel‘s resignation from Ohio State is now.

So, somewhat appropriately, the whispers that Pryor and other draft-eligible Buckeyes would leave Columbus for greener ($$) pastures have risen back to the top of rumor mill.

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