Republican Legislators Push to Tighten Voting Rules

I will write about this everytime I see a new story. Twenty-six states across the country are trying to re-write the laws as it relates to voting rights. This is a serious issue. How will this affect all the people who have been devastated by these natural disasters? Alot of their important papers are missing. This has the potential to affect a lot of people. If the intent of the legislation was pure and honest, I would support it. Unfortunately, it is not.

Less than 18 months before the next presidential election, Republican-controlled statehouses around the country are rewriting voting laws to require photo identification at the polls, reduce the number of days of early voting or tighten registration rules.

Republican legislators say the new rules, which have advanced in 13 states in the past two months, offer a practical way to weed out fraudulent votes and preserve the integrity of the ballot box. Democrats say the changes have little to do with fraud prevention and more to do with placing obstacles in the way of possible Democratic voters, including young people and minorities.

Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin and Gov. Rick Perry of Texas signed laws last week that would require each voter to show an official, valid photo ID to cast a ballot, joining Kansas and South Carolina.

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