President Obama Delivers For America's Youngest

This is great information. There is so much negative information about the President, I wish this information was celebrated. He has often talked about the need to take care of our children and he is putting his words to action. I am so excited about the future of those that need so much but are usually left behind. Thank you Mr. President.

The seemingly permanent budget wars have been churning along all spring, with Republicans pulling and Democrats pushing, and with what seems like not enough getting done for the American people. However, just before official Washington raced home for the Memorial Day weekend, something really fabulous got done for America's youngest.

After more than two years of fighting to deliver vital new funding for early child education, President Obama came through with a new $500 million grant program for early childhood education that will help America's most vulnerable toddlers get a fair chance at a lifetime of quality education.

Announced by Educatoin Secretary Arne Duncan and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and the end of May, the Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge will distribute desperately needed dollars to the most innovative and effective early learning education programs in the states.

This new funding isn't just an investment in our kids, but the competitive design of the program will ensure that only the best and most effective early learning programs get funded.

This investment comes at a critical time because children from America's poorest families are more likely to be unprepared for school when they first walk through the kindergarten door. Indeed, only three out of five kids are enrolled in some kind of preschool program. And it's the one in five toddlers living in poverty who are least likely to get the early learning that they need.

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