Kirstie Alley Weight Loss: 38 Inches Since 'Dancing With The Stars' Debut

I am secretly pulling for Kirstie. I absolutely love her. Her weight struggle is so real and every day life. She is looking great and you can tell she is feeling great as well. It shows in how she moves now. She is definitely embracing her sexiness.

When Kirstie Alley performs on the "Dancing With the Stars" season finale, she'll do it in a much smaller dress than the one she wore on the season premiere.

The costume Alley wore for her "Dancing" debut had to be taken in 38 inches for her to wear it again Tuesday for the show's closing episode. Alley will reprise her opening-night dance, the cha-cha, in her original costume.

The 60-year-old actress has been noticeably shrinking week after week, but she was coy when asked after performing in a skin-tight bodysuit Monday how much weight she has lost during her two and a half months on the show.

"There will be some reveal of that at some point, but I really didn't care," she said. "As long as I kept changing and changing and changing, I really didn't care. It was like, keep whittling, whittling, whittling. And the other thing that's really more significant to me – I mean, I love the whittling, I like being skinny – I'm really strong and really agile and it gave me a new life."

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