John Edwards Meets With 'Bunny' Mellon As Possible Indictment Looms

I am not sure if it is a good idea to have a private conversation with a 'person of interest' in his possible indictment. Even if they did not discuss the case, it gives the appearance that he is still hiding something. In my opinion, John Edwards needs to take the deal and fade in the sunset. Spare his children anymore pain.

Former presidential candidate John Edwards met Thursday with a leading figure in the investigation into funds used to cover up his extramarital affair, certain to attract the attention of the Justice Department as it prepares possible criminal charges against him.

William Taylor, an attorney for heiress Rachel "Bunny" Mellon, confirmed they had lunch at her Upperville, Va., home but said they did not discuss the case.

"It was entirely personal and social," Taylor said in a telephone interview. "There was no discussion of anything related to his situation."

Mellon is the 100-year-old widow of banking heir Paul Mellon and was a top donor to Edwards' presidential campaign. She also reportedly gave hundreds of thousands of dollars used to keep Edwards mistress Reille Hunter in hiding while he pursued the White House – funds are at the center of the criminal investigation.

The meeting was first reported Thursday by ABC News. Taylor, a prominent Washington attorney who also is representing former International Monetary Fund leader Dominique Strauss-Kahn against rape charges, said he was at the meeting and Edwards did not ask Mellon for any financial help for his case.

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