Jesse Jackson Jr. Denies Money Link to Blagojevich .

I hope this story is finally over. Jesse Jr. was not able to run for the senate seat because of all this nonsense. Let's hope he can move on with his political career.

U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. testified Wednesday in the corruption trial of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, saying he never promised to raise money for the governor in exchange for an appointment to the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama when he was elected president.

Mr. Jackson also said he never directed anyone else to do so.

"I never directed anyone to raise money for another politician in my life," he said.

Mr. Jackson acknowledged that he wanted the Senate seat. He said he waged a public campaign for the seat, meeting with editorial boards and making TV appearances. But he denied he ever offered money for it.

Mr. Jackson was called by the defense to testify about allegations Mr. Blagojevich was considering a campaign contribution from supporters of Mr. Jackson in exchange for appointment to the Senate seat.

Mr. Blagojevich's attorneys were attempting to show he never tried to auction the seat off to Mr. Jackson.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel also testified Wednesday, albeit for about two minutes.

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