Herman Cain officially announces presidential bid

Another Republican makes it official. Herman Cain has entered the race. I hope he does more than talk bad about the President if he wants to be taken seriously. When you run for President it is for the whole country, not just your base. He will have to begin to offer more solutions and not just sound bites.

He lost the only campaign he ever ran, in the 2004 Republican primary for a Georgia Senate seat. He acknowledges the widespread belief that most observers write him off as the longest of longshots.

But Herman Cain, the Atlanta businessman and one-time pizza king, drew a crowd that his campaign says hit 15,000 people as he formally announced his presidential candidacy Saturday with a fiery critique of Barack Obama and a promise to alter the course of the election by appealing to grassroots voters in early states and beyond.

“We have become a nation of crises. We have a moral crisis, we’ve got an economic crisis, we’ve got an entitlement spending crisis. We’ve got an immigration crisis. We’ve got a foggy foreign affairs crisis and we’ve got a deficiency of leadership crisis in the White House,” Cain declared at the rally in Atlanta’s Centennial Olympic Park.

And he rejected the idea that he’s after anything but the GOP nomination itself.

“I’ve had reporters ask me sometimes, ‘Well, are you running just to get attention. or maybe come in second?’ I said, you don’t know very much about me. I don’t run for second. I’m running to be No. 1.”

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