Daniels: I could have beaten Obama

Well Mr. Daniels, we will never know. He made the decision to stand by his family. So we will never know if he could beat President Obama or not. There are a lot of people not running that are saying that they could beat the President. I would suggest that next time, in stead of telling us what could be, they let us see what actually was.

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels has taken himself out of the running for president, but he says he believes he could have defeated President Barack Obama for a second term.

“Yes, I think so,” Daniels said when asked whether he could have beaten Obama on ABC’s “This Week.” “I mean no one can know.”

Daniels said that his decision to not run was based on his family’s desire for privacy and security, which he said would inevitably have been lost in a campaign for the Republican presidential nomination.

“We've got young women, three of them that have been married not too long,” Daniels said. “They're looking forward to building lives, starting families and this was just a - a disruption that - that they were very, very leery of. And who wouldn't understand that?”

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