Bonds will pay to send beaten Giants fan's kids to college

This is very nice of Barry Bonds. It is a shame that this is not being discussed in mainstream media. Atheletes every now and then are doing great things. If Barry Bonds had been in trouble or anything negative, it would be all over the airwaves. I salute you Mr. Bonds.

The lawyer who now represents Bryan Stow's family in a lawsuit against the Los Angeles Dodgers gave a new detail on a former Giants generosity to Stow's two young children.

Stow family attorney Thomas Girardi said that former slugger Barry Bonds has donated to pay for their college education. He said the family has talked about turning other donations back to the fans if this suit is successful, but said the gift of a college of education is something they treasure and will keep.

Bryan is a single father. He has a son and a daughter who are both in grade school.

Bonds visited Stow on April 22, while he was still in a Southern California hospital.

Sources close to Stow told NBC that Bonds also spent an hour in Stow's room and left a signed baseball bat for Stow's children. At the time, there was no mention of a donation to a college fund.

Bonds is not the only member of the Giant organization who have reached out to Stow and his family. Several members of the current team have visited Stow and the family. Pitcher Tim Lincecum also dug into his personal bank account and gave a $25,000 donation to the Stow family fund.

The lawyer was talking to reporters on Tuesday to inform them about a new lawsuit filed on behalf of Stow. Stow's family is suing the LA Dodgers and owner Frank McCourt. The suit was filed Tuesday in the Los Angeles Superior Court.

It alleges that the Dodgers have "shown a total disregard for public safety" and seeks an undisclosed amount of money.

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