8 Steps To Become Successful On The Job

Although these are simple steps, I sometimes think we forget to practice them. I know on more than one occasion, I have had to tell people about their style of dress, hairstyle, perfumes and a host of other items. I have often told my staff to apply for the opening before it is opened. By that, get to know the company, the practices and the policies. This is a good read.

We all want to succeed at our jobs. There are few simple things that you can do that can make your time on the clock easier. We all stand to learn from the list below.

1. Dress appropriately. Lasting impressions are formed in those first few weeks, so pay special attention to your grooming. Be clean, neat and dress according to the company’s explicit or implicit dress code.

2. Arrive early and work a full day. Show up for work a few minutes early, and don’t rush out at the end of the day. Consistently demonstrate that you are going to give them their money’s worth in terms of your presence and participation in the organization.

3. Communicate in a positive, energetic and enthusiastic manner. You will be most successful when you are characterized by being pleasant, optimistic and happy to be in your position. Leave your problems at home; don’t complain or bring other negative emotions with you to work.

4. Become a student of the organization. Make a file for notes on key people, contact information, policies & procedures that are important for your position, as well as random pieces of information that come your way that you think will be helpful to you in doing a good job. In addition, seek to acquire information about the company (newsletters, articles, annual reports, and other resources) that tell you more about what the organization is doing and where it is heading.

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