Seriously?: Can You See Donald Trump Running The U.S.?

Donald Trump 'seriously' considering running for president in 2012.

For the first time in my life, I'm actually thinking about it [running for president]," Trump told Fox News Channel. He added, "I see what's going on with this country and it's never been worse. What's happening is a disgrace."

"The Apprentice" host cited what he called the "unfair" trade relationship between America and China and the administration's inability to utilize the country's top business talent in trade negotiations as his main reasons for mulling a run.

"I love this country, we have a great country ... but it's not really great like it used to be. Let's face it, we are no longer respected the way we used to be respected, and if we keep going like this, within 10 years China is going to overtake us easily," Trump said.

When asked the crucial question -- what party he would choose to run for -- the mogul said, "I'm a Republican, so if I did anything I'd do it, I guess, as a Republican."

Trump's comments came after it emerged New Hampshire voters were polled by telephone last month on their feelings about the mogul running in 2012 -- but the people behind the poll remain a mystery. Trump said it was not his doing.

The Granite state's residents received a phone poll "testing multiple 2012 Republican candidates and match-ups that included some 30 questions on real estate magnate Donald Trump,” Time Magazine reported Monday.

Among other queries, the calls reportedly asked if "voters had heard that Trump donated to Democrats in the past and if they thought his high-profile appearances on TV would help or hurt him in a political race."

New Hampshire traditionally holds one of the first presidential primaries and was often seen as the place for candidates to test themselves before deciding whether or not to throw their hat into the ring.

"I hear the [poll] results are amazing -- I don't know what the results are. It wasn't my poll. I didn't take this poll, I didn't pay for this poll, but I hear the results are amazing," Trump said on "Fox and Friends."

Does he have your vote?



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