Is Tiger his own worst enemy?

Tiger Woods Spits On Green

Tiger Woods who has earned quite the reputation in the tabloids in the last year or so was recently fined for spitting a golf course in Dubai.

It happened during the very last round of the Dubai Desert Classic and it was something that the golfing pro definitely did not expect.

After spitting just once it was immediately apparent that something was wrong and he later found out that it was a violation punishable with a rather hefty fine.

He was officially fined by the European Tour for releasing a lugey from his mouth on the 12th hole.

Mike Stewart who is the director of the tournament stated that with the incident came a breach of what he says Woods should have known not to do.

He claims that because the golfer knew that he wasn’t supposed to spit while on the course, he was fined as a direct result.

The golfer later made a public apology which was directed at the European Tour, saying that it was inconsiderate for him to spit while on the course and that he said he knew better. The apology, however nice or sincere it sounded, didn’t get him off the hook with regards to the fine he was still charged by the European Tour.


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