Keith Olbermann on Why He Left MSNBC - and How He Plans to Get Even

I was saddened when Keith Olbermann left MSNBC. In my opinion, the network has not quite been the same. I still watch it, but I long for the truth to be told as only Keith could do it. I have followed him since his days on ESPN and NBC Sports. I will definitely be looking up his new channel on my cable lineup and set it as a favorite.

Keith Olbermann hobbles into an expensive seafood restaurant in Manhattan on a recent afternoon with the assistance of a long, retractable cane. Maneuvering past startled diners, the former Countdown host mutters over his shoulder, "The joke is, it's apparently not as easy to leave NBC as it looks."

Wincing, Olbermann lowers himself into a round booth. He explains that he injured one of his feet exercising: a stress fracture, brought on by his use of special five-toed running shoes. Olbermann being Olbermann, he'd decided to use his lameness as a teachable moment—not for himself, of course, but for rude New Yorkers. He had taken to planting himself in front of subway passengers who fail to vacate seats meant for the disabled and just glowering. Recounting the tale, Olbermann's delight grows, as if he can't believe the luck of having been given permission to yell at people in public and not seem insane.

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