Panetta says no more leaks

I am glad that Panetta is finally speaking out about this. I always thought too much information about the particulars of the raid, was not good for us as a country. We have to remember that not all of our enemies are on foreign soil. If we give out too much information, I feel we would be threatening our national security.

In the wake of stern warnings from the Pentagon that a stream of public disclosures about the U.S. raid that killed Osama bin Laden could put future operations at risk, Central Intelligence Agency Director Leon Panetta is cautioning his agency's employees against "unauthorized" disclosures about the raid.

"Unauthorized disclosure of those details not only violates the law, it seriously undermines our capability to do our job," Panetta said in a agency-wide memo obtained by POLITICO. He said repercussions for such leaks could be as serious as criminal prosecution. However, Panetta also asserted that many of the leaks about the raid are "likely coming from other places."

It's worth noting that Defense Secretary Robert Gates's complaints about disclosures about operational details of the raid seemed aimed not only at leaks but also the series of authorized briefings on the subject organized by the White House, the Defense Department and intelligence officials.

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