How To Be A Great House Guest

Have you ever had someone come for a visit and you were ready for them to leave as soon as they got there? The reason is probably because they failed to follow these simple steps. I try to follow these even when I just visit someone for the day. Remember, you cannot hold someone accountable for information they do not have. Make no assumptions. Tell them your house rules upfront, they may decide to stop being cheap and go get a room.

We are nearing the season of vacations and visiting. I am always lost for words when I hear of people who are not good house guests. Follow these steps and you’ll find your hosts won’t slap on their dancing shoes the minute you say good-bye.

1. Let your plans be known Tell your hosts when you’ll be arriving, when you’re leaving, and what plans, if any, you might have. This lets them plan their own schedules accordingly. After all, just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean everyone else is.

2. Bring a gift- It doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive, just thoughtful. Consider a local delicacy or a movie tickets. Feeling creative? Get the whole family involved in putting together a mixed CD or decorating a picture frame.

3. Be a good sport- Odds are, the locals with whom you’re staying will want to show you their favorite spots around town. And while the Antique Doll Museum or the World’s Largest Ball of Twine might not exactly be what you had in mind, try to keep an open mind (and remind the kids to do the same.) Beside, even if you don’t love the activities that have been planned, the day isn’t lost: you’ll get to spend quality time with your hosts, which is part of the reason why you’re staying with them in the first place, right?

4. Respect the rules of the house- When traveling to visit some friends, a young mother I know always requests a “tour” for her son. He’s shown around the house, told what rooms are off limits and which aren’t, and given the rules of the home, e.g., take your shoes off at the door, hang your coat up on this hook. Not only does it help to familiarize him with a new place, but the special attention from his hosts make him feel important and grown-up. And, of course, it’s never a bad idea for grown-ups to ask for a tour or a list of house rules, too.

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