Museum opens in Montgomery to honor Freedom Riders

This is totally awesome. I am so glad that a lot of the Freedom Riders are still alive to witness this. I am grateful for all that they endured so that we could have access to the life we live today. So much pain in the story, but a story that has to be told.

Freedom Riders who were attacked in Alabama's capital city in 1961 have returned 50 years later to be hailed as heroes and have a museum dedicated at the old bus station where they were confronted by an angry white mob.

U.S. Rep. John Lewis of Georgia says he teared up when he walked through the station where he was beaten on May 20, 1961. He says the celebration Friday shows how far the nation has come.

When the Freedom Riders set out to integrate bus stations in 1961, then-Alabama Gov. John Patterson called them fools. But the 89-year-old Patterson welcomed them Friday and said they deserve credit for making America a better place.

Friday marked the first time Patterson and the Freedom Riders had met.



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