Man refuses surgery, drops 270 pounds

This is a very inspiring story. I have been looking for the right weight-loss plan for awhile now. I have started a food journal and I must admit when I know I am writing my food intake down, I am a little more cautious of what I eat. I also have a friend that calls me a couple of times a week and I report to her my what I have eaten. I need someone to hold me accountable and this helps.

Bryan Ganey slowly climbed out of his parents' car. Michael and Martha Ganey had driven their son to work because he wasn't feeling well -- for the past couple of days, simple tasks had left him short of breath and exhausted.

At 577 pounds, being out of shape was normal for Bryan, so he ignored it. But as he headed toward the door of his office on June 20, 2010, the ground suddenly shifted.

The Ganeys were pulling away when Martha's cell phone rang. All she heard on the other end was gasping.

The couple stopped the car and sprinted back to the building, where they found their son lying in the bushes, struggling to breathe. The ride to the hospital took only five minutes, but to Martha, it seemed like hours. Bryan didn't care how long it took -- he knew he was going to die.

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rhinoplasty said...

Interesting story. There are so many weight watchers who had lost weight with natural way. As per your article, i think that we should have to first extract control over foods and follow regular exercise.

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