Going back to Cali... NOPE, I don't think so!

The LA Times contends that more people are moving out of the California than are moving in; the proportion of "The Sunshine State" who had moved there from out of state reached a 100-year low of about 20% in 2010.

Wow... I guess the cost of living has finally taken its toll and during these tough economic times, I guess people are starting to say goodbye. Here is what Gale Holland and Sam Quinones of the Los Angeles Times had to say.  "For a clue to why California is losing its allure as a place to settle down, just ask Jennifer McCluer, who moved out of California in 2007 after she obtained her license in skin care.

Unable to afford Orange County's sky-high rents, she opted for Portland, Ore. "A big motivator was that I lived with roommate after roommate after roommate," said McCluer, 30. "Friends said you could probably live on your own up here. The rent was a huge deal for me."  McCluer would like to move back, but it's still too expensive. "It's really difficult," McCluer said. "I've given myself 11/2 to two years to save money."

What are the implications here... well for starters, it could mean an influx of people coming to your neck of the woods... and now what?



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