Cornel West leads liberal search for Obama challenger

This type of strategy/attack against this President is similar to some historical issues of the Civil Rights Movement. Back then, the FBI would pay people to agitate the non violent movement of Dr. King. Rumor has it that it was an 'inside job' that created the disturbance/distraction the night Malcolm X was shot. So here we are in 2011 and the same tactics are still being used to discredit a man of color when he stands for what is right and has the best interest of the people. It is unfortunate that people can be manipulated so easily. Another distraction to keep the uninformed confused.

Syene Jasmin, an African-American 22-year-old customer service agent, wants to see a viable liberal candidate to challenge Obama.

"Obama has not delivered and from the beginning there could have a more aggressive campaign for jobs," Jasmin said in an interview with theGrio.

Jasmin has a job, but many of his friends and family do not.

"In this economy, if you're not in the sciences or medical field, then things are tough...I don't think there's a middle class anymore."

That's why Syene joined the grassroots online community known as the New Progressive Alliance (NPA) in their effort to name a candidate as a primary challenger to President Obama.

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