Is Alan Grayson eyeing a comeback?

I actually see Grayson as a breath of fresh air. He is strong, passionate and paints a very colorful picture of what his beliefs are. I hope he does get back into public office. His voice is definitely missed in Washington.

Former Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson is no longer a member of Congress, but he’s just as ubiquitous and raucous as ever.

Grayson, who lost his Orlando-area seat in November, is still bomb-throwing, still delivering unapologetically liberal rhetoric that defined his single term in the House and quickly became his trademark – raising speculation that he’s looking to make a comeback.

Take an email he sent to backers last week, in which he evoked cultural figures ranging from Martha Stewart to George Orwell to argue that Osama bin Laden’s death should end the nation’s post-Sept. 11 “siege mentality.”

Or the April message he sent on the House GOP budget plan, wondering “how many children” the bill “is going to kill” and scolding Democrats for appearing to want to compromise with Republicans. “There is no compromise, there is no middle ground, between life and death,” Grayson wrote, this time referencing Mel Gibson’s blood-drenched action film “Apocalypto.”

Or his late March appearance on MSNBC, when he accused Florida Gov. Rick Scott of adopting a mandatory drug testing law for public employees in order to benefit a health care company the governor co-founded. “I’m just glad that Rick Scott’s company doesn’t do proctological examinations, because then we would all have to bend over and cough,” said the former congressman.

The communiqués are classic Grayson – and they constitute a brand of raw liberalism that’s hard to find in Washington. But to Grayson’s supporters, the missives highlight his desire to remain an electric voice in the political arena – and perhaps to make a return to Capitol Hill. Grayson’s Facebook page reads like a wish list from fans who want know whether he’s planning a return to Washington. “Alan, when are you running for office again? And which office?” wrote one follower. “We need you to back there,” wrote another.

“I think he’s trying to stay in the political scene,” said Jim Kitchens, a Florida-based pollster who worked for Grayson and who remains in his inner circle. “He enjoyed being in Congress, he really did.”

The Florida Democrat himself acknowledges that he’s interested in a return engagement – asked whether he’s given the idea of running another campaign, he responded simply: “Yes.”

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