First Lady Michelle Obama salutes troops

It is great to see that the First Lady is not ashamed to pay tribute to those that deserve it. She speaks with such passion when she talks about the troops and their families. I am sure those graduates left inspired.

First lady Michelle Obama used her commencement address at the University of Northern Iowa on Saturday to commend America's troops, particularly those involved in last week's raid on Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan. Here is an excerpt:

"We’ve all seen, just in the last week, how much these folks deserve our support. Just imagine, a small group of brave men, dropped by helicopter, half a world away in the dead of night … into unknown danger inside the lair of the most sought after man in the world. They did not hesitate, risking everything for us, for our freedom and security. And they did it not just as Navy SEALs. They did it as husbands, as fathers, as sons. Their families were back here, with no idea of their mission or whether their loved one would ever come home. That is the very essence of the word 'service.' And the least we can do is give something back to these troops and their families who have given us so much."



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