Roland is so on point with this. But of course, the naysayers will continue to spew their hate. It takes people that are brave like Roland to call it as he sees it.
It's always funny to get tweets and e-mails from followers of radio entertainer Rush Limbaugh. None of them ever actually think of checking the facts out before they begin their ignorant, vile and rambling rants. I suppose that's to be expected because all they are doing is following their feckless leader, Limbaugh.
Last week I took to Twitter to express my disgust with the racist tweets sent to Joel Ward, the Washington Capitals forward who scored the game-winning goal against the Boston Bruins in the pivotal Game 7 of their first round matchup.
Ward, who is black, should have been praised for great play. Instead, he was insulted, ridiculed and called the N-word.
As a result, I sent out the following tweets:
-- "It's no shock that a black hockey player is being called nasty vicious things for a game winning goal. Only folks in denial about racism are.
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