Trayvon Martin: Offensive cartoon pulled from University of Texas student newspaper

This is about the third incident at the University of Texas that has had racial over/under tones. I will be writing my State Senator and Representative to address this issue. When did we go back to being 'colored'? A significant portion of my tax dollars as well as federal dollars, go to UT. At some point, they need to be called out for this foolishness. This needs to stop!!

The Daily Texan, the University of Texas student newspaper, briefly pulled from its website a controversial cartoon about the media coverage of the Trayvon Martin case on Tuesday, the same day the paper is distributed.

The cartoon appeared in a section titled, "A Matter of Opinion." It was taken down yesterday at 2:20pm, and then republished at 4:50pm. On their website, The Daily Texan's editor says that it was temporarily removed in order to "alleviate web traffic and prevent the web site from crashing."

Stephanie Eisner's black and white cartoon critiques the media coverage of Martin's death, which continues to receive priority news attention as the story develops.

A white woman sitting in a rocking chair engraved with the words "the media," reads to an awe-struck little girl, from a book titled, "Treyvon Martin and the Case of Yellow Journalism" (note: Trayvon's name is purposely misspelled).

A speech blurb spoken by the woman says, "And then, the big bad white man killed the handsome, sweet, innocent colored boy."

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