Super Tuesday primaries: 5 takeaways

I don't think there were any surprises. However, I would think that Ron Paul would get out since he hasn't one a race yet. Newt should get out but he has already said he was going all the way to the convention and I believe him. So, they all live to fight another day...

This was one the polls got right.

Heading into Ohio, various surveys showed the race there as a statistical tie, and it did not disappoint:Mitt Romney won, but just narrowly, over Rick Santorum, by a single percentage point.

And that wasn’t even the whole Super Tuesday story. Here are POLITICO’s five takeaways from the 10-state political extravaganza:

1. Win, no bounce, repeat, continued

It’s better to win ugly than to lose pretty, especially in a key fall battleground state like Ohio. But the victory that Mitt Romney eked out Tuesday night over Rick Santorum in Ohio was far closer than his campaign would have liked.

With six states captured on the night — Alaska, Idaho, Massachusetts, Ohio, Vermont and Virginia — the front-runner is poised to take a majority of the 437 delegates up for grabs on Super Tuesday. He remains the delegate leader, and he scored big in Massachusetts, Virginia and Idaho on that front.

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