If you haven't heard, The New York Times, captured a tweet coming out of the white house that said, "What does #40dollars mean to you?" The article was written after House Republicans rejected a Senate compromise to extend a payroll tax cut. The article said, "By Wednesday evening, thousands of people had responded to a question on Twitter posted on the @whitehouse account..."
It is hard to believe that the people we trust to lead Congress is bickering over $40.00. I mean, the rate at which gas and food prices has skyrocketed over the past few years, one would think it would be a "no-brainer" to extend the payroll tax cuts. However, it is very obvious that this congress is dead-set on making President Obama a one-term President at the cost of millions of Americans - $40.00 at a time.
So, I pose the question to you, what could you do with the $40.00 every two weeks?
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