Carrier IQ: Your phone's secret recording device

This is amazing. We have been asleep for too long. We are being watched and tracked and we do not even know it. I wonder, now that we know these things will it affect our behavior. Just a thought...

Carrier IQ is a piece of software installed on millions of mobile phones that logs everything their users do, from what websites they browse to what their text messages say.

No, it's not part of some great Orwellian plot; it's a diagnostic tool that carriers say plays a crucial role in helping them assess and troubleshoot their networks. But the recording app, which flew under the radar for years until security researchers drew attention to it recently, is setting off red-alert privacy and security alarms.

It's also spotlighting how little customers -- and, sometimes, the carriers and manufacturers themselves -- know about what goes on under the hood of their data-stuffed mobile devices.

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