What really happened at FAMU?

Take a look at the report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on Minority Health. Notice, I pulled from the report the statistics related to African American men. The full report can be found here:  OMH

Fact: In 2005, African American men were 1.3 times as likely to have new cases of lung and prostate cancer, compared to non-Hispanic white men.

Fact: African American adults are twice as likely than non-Hispanic white adults to have been diagnosed with diabetes by a physician.
Fact: In 2005, African American men were 30% more likely to die from heart disease, as compared to non-Hispanic white men.

Fact: In 2005, African Americans had 2.3 times the infant mortality rate of non-Hispanic whites.

Fact: African American adults are 1.7 times as likely than their White adult counterparts to have a stroke.

Fact: Although African Americans make up only 13% of the total U.S. population, they accounted for 49% of HIV/AIDS cases in 2007.

So, why is it then, that we have to go out on a limb an create ANOTHER way at ending a Black Man's life. Notice, I didn't mention, crime, drugs, or domestic related incidents.... the findings here are health related.

Yet, when you look at something as simple as going to college and playing in the band, I am sad to suggest that it is all to often that our young African American men are dying in college at an alarming rate - just to be a part of something that some may argue that isn't worth the time of day. 

Recently, a Florida A&M University band member who police say was involved in hazing died and authorities say it could take several months to learn exactly what caused the death.  However, a spokeswoman for the Orange County medical examiner's office said Wednesday the autopsy on 26-year-old Robert Champion has been completed but it will take some time to obtain a comprehensive analysis of the results


Read more here: The Grio


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