Veteran Unemployment: Obama Signs Bill Into Law To Spur Vet Hiring

This is big news. Unfortunately, its coverage has gotten drowned out by the 'super committee' failure. I am grateful that Congress finally did something right and looked passed party and towards the people. Thank you...

Despite recent clashes in Congress, members put aside partisan dissemblance Monday in a "vow" to help veterans.

With support by both Republicans and Democrats, President Obama signed into law the "VOW to Hire Heroes Act," CNN reports.

The bill provides tax credits for businesses that hire unemployed and disabled veterans.

In an effort to fight the 12 percent veteran unemployment rate, the federal government has added 350,000 private sector jobs in the past three months, reports.

The site quotes the President expressing the importance of providing employment opportunities for veterans:

"Just as they fight for us on the battlefield, it's up to us to fight for our troops and their families when they come home," Obama said. "Today, a deeply grateful nation is doing right by our military and paying back just a little bit what we owe our veterans."

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